Saturday, April 30, 2005


I finally got to see Silverstein live and let me tell you, they kicked ass! I finally got my new digital camera and apparently I broke it. So Gym Class heroes were the first band, they also opened for when Hawthorne Heights was here a while ago. They sucked pretty bad. I still don't understand why they are opening for these screamo bands, they are hip hop. Oh well. SO while they were on stage me and my crew chilled in line to get shirts and drunk. Then when they were on their last song, they made me lead the way to the front since I am tall and skinny they assumed I could see and fit into small spaces and they could follow, which did work. I got us real close to the stage. Silverstein came out, everyone was jumpin and screamin, I took a couple of pics and then my new camera stopped working, I don't know what I did but I can't get the ones I did take onto the computer. I am really close to hitting it with a hammer. At the end I caught 2 water bottles thrown to the crowd, thank god, it was hot up there! And a buddy got a drumstick, bastard.

SO Silverstein ended we went back and drank some more, it is really important that if you drink a lot, to get really close to the stage, to dehydrate yourself more. If you drink a lot and just stand back you don't sweat it out and have to piss alot. SO when Fallout Boy took the stage, we weren't impressed, we came for Silverstein. But decided to go out and start mosh pits. It was awesome, 3 of us making our way through the crowd and then just start slamming into each other and then others joined in and we bailed towards the stage. It is a good way to make room if you can. We sucessfully started at least 3 pits and made our way to the front, there was just one fat bitch and her skinny hippy boyfriend between us and the barrier. I would have took some pics but my fuckin camera sucks ass! Don't ever buy anything from dell!!!!