Monday, May 02, 2005

WIzards vs Bulls

I am far from being a sports buff or anything. I used to watch alot when Michael Jordan played for well both of these teams. Tonight is game 4 of their playoff game. If anyone in blogland would like to try to watch the begining and see if they show the national anthem, my color guard team will be presenting the flags for it. I will be on the DC flag, which is an ugly red one that will be next to the US flag. I am stoked that there may be a chance of me being on TV for something other than Cops. Plus maybe I can meet some of the players, or better yet the players hot model wives. My camera is still broken, so unless someone else has one, I probably won't get any pics of this awesome event. Again I urge everyone NOT to purchase anything from DELL!!!! There is only 4 people who work at their company that can speak english fluently. You would think that for "customer service" in America would be able to speak the American languge, especially on the phone where accents are hard to translate over the phone. OK I am pissed again and need to call them, they are lucky I need to eat, get a haircut, get my uniform ready, don't really have time to blog but thought I'd share this experience with whoever is willing or gave a shit. After we do the presentation we get to watch the game, I don't know from where, but I plan on gettin toasted and maybe will try to drunkblog. I tried before but my voice sounds really bad. I can't sound as sexy as That Girl. I sould like an idiot going through puberty. Especially since I lost my voice from screaming Friday and now have a cold which isn't really helping all that much. But if I am toasted it will at least be on there until tomorrow when I listen to it and wonder what the Hell I was thinking. OK I really gotta run. Happy Monday, or should I say Shitty Monday.