Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Life update

So I haven't been blogging much and when I do I usually forget about everything that I wanted to say because I get on rants about something or another. Well this time isn't going to be any different because I'm gona forget stuff. HB and I are still doing good, every once in a while I think we hit nerves but still good. We went to the pet store yesterday to look at fish because her friend gave her a small fish tank. Well we decided that we're gona get a couple bearded dragons. They are cute, cool and lazy. They'll fit right in since we usually don't do much but lay around and watch tv. So we were discussing names last night and we want to get a male and female, she mentioned Homer and Marge from the Simpson's so now I'm not budging on Homer, she can name the girl whatever she wants but the boy is going to be Homer. For those of you who don't know I am a huge Simpson's fan, my car has a Home on the dashboard, one hanging from the rear view mirror next to a Simpson's air freshener. But ok, so now I'm on the hunt for a bigger tank, they have grown ones in pretty small tanks but reading about it says they should at least have a 40 gallon tank. Those are expensive so I emailed a couple people with ads on craigslist to see if I can get one for $100 or so, preferable with a stand. We'll see if I hear back from them. Online was showing them aroun $200-250, the are $80 a piece so it's gonna be a little expensive at first but I have money saved up since I haven't went out and bought anything big like this for a while. So we'll probably do that this weekend.

What else has been happening... Ummmm I fogot just like I said. I am tired as hell of working 2 jobs. Today I left Navy at 10 saying I had an eye appointment only to come here and "work". Last week I didn't come much because I was lazy so this week I need to make up hours. Tomorrow is UNCLE TOM's Birthday so go over there and wish him a happy birthday and yell at him for not posting anything. Let's see yesterday I was freaking out thinking about death again while I was stuck in traffic. I just wonder what the hell happens, it can't be like a dream because your brain is dead. Perhaps its just like when I sleep since I don't dream much, it's just nothing but I don't know the unknown freaks me out and death is kind of something you can't avoid, it's gonna happen. But then I got freaked out thiking about being old, my great grandpa has watched most his friends and loved ones die around him, but he still has the rest of the family so I guess it would be a balance. I don't know. I finally painted our bedroom this weekend. It only took how many months, now all I need is the dining room, upstairs hall, 2 bathrooms which will probably never happen. Oh yeah here's a good one...

My mom called me Friday I think it was and asked if my ex said anything about being pregnant, I said no well my mom said she looks prego and that my boy said something about mommy hope she has a girl. Granted my boy says all kinds of shit but the same day my mom noticed her having a pooch...? So if she's prego it might be her cousin's baby. I think I mentioned this a long while ago but not sure. She lives with her cousin who I suspect she's been "with" she claimed before and got defensive saying he wasn't blood because his mom cheated or some shit but it's bullshit. So if she is prego with cousin's baby, the kid will have flippers and I and the rest of the world will laugh our asses off at her and her stupid flipper baby!!!! Ahhhh, I hope she is and it's his. But That's about all I can think of that's been happening. So Hopefully I can keep up now. Laters.