Monday, June 26, 2006

5 more days....

So this weekend was kind of a drag with the storm coming, it didn't really hit until last night but it was dreary all weekend. I've told my son that we'd try to go to the zoo, he wanted to go camping(but not in the woods, maybe the backyard), and several other things. Luckily I didn't promise him all that, just saying "we'll see" I didn't realize til a couple days ago that this was my last weekend with him that HB and I will be taking him back Friday or Saturday. I am pretty excited to have alone time with HB. We can go out on weekends, and sleep in. I think it'll be fun. Granted I am gonna miss my boy again but I think the fit the other day was enough to make me not miss him so much for a while. Perhaps we just weren't meant to be together anymore, or maybe not til later. Who knows, who cares. Nothing I can really do about it anyway. My car is still in the shop, hopefully I get it back before Friday or else we may need to take HBs car and I don't want to. I don't want to put those miles on it or risk using it to hit another deer. But just thought I'd give a quick update before I got to work. I've been waking his ass up 530am and bringing him into work. He was been good, just sits at the desk next to mine playing with a couple little toys. He just gets a little loud sometimes. But anyways, later.