Monday, November 06, 2006

I'm Back

My trip to Ohio was ok. No tickets, no accidents, and no problems so all was well. It was good to see the boy, he is learning so much in school it's crazy. He counted to 100, can read and everything, it really is quite amazing. He is getting to be a little better behaved, except he lies now. He was pretending he was a zombie and eating my brains, the first couple times wasn't a problem, then he dug his teeth into my head so I told him to stop and that you don't bite. Well he pretended again and this time didn't bite but I felt something so I put my hand on my head and it was wet. He spit on my head and then tried to tell me that he didn't. He said his lips were wet and that his teeth are wet. He might as well pissed on me and tried to tell me it was rain. After a while he finally admitted he spit so he had to go to bed. The next day my mom mentioned that he got in trouble a while back for calling his teacher stupid, I asked him why and he denied it and tried to come up with some elaborate story. I explained that teachers aren't going to say he called them stupid if he didn't. I took him into the bedroom and talked with him, he finally admitted that he did. I explained to him how bad lying was and told him that if he lied to me again I'd beat his ass. I probably haven't spanked him for at least 2 years but he is terrified of me doing it so it's always a good threat, most of the time when I raise my voice he knows to stop and be quiet. Well he told my mom that his baby brother was going to be here after Christmas. And when me and him were talking he was calling her cousin's kid his best friend. I explained that he was his cousin because (I need to give these people names) the guy she's living with is her cousin. He said no, he was her husband because they kiss, hug, and sleep in the same bed. I was trying not to laugh and vomit at the same time, but I just said no, he's mommy cousin. When I went to drop him off the ex was hiding in the bedroom claiming she had a migraine even though I called her when I was on my way and she sounded fine. So I left. Why would she try to hide that she is pregnant from me? It's not like she can hide it forever, and she should know that I am not stupid and am way smarter than her. She is bad at lying; I just laughed my ass off. I need to save up money and when we get settle in a house, see about getting custody. There has to be laws about having your cousins baby and if she claims it's not his and I can't get a DNA done or something then perhaps the fact that she had a kid and doesn't know who the dad is could be grounds to prove she is unfit or something. I don't know. I really hate to be so crawl and I know it would be hard as hell on the kid but I think it would be for the best. Maybe we can just switch the custody so I have him during the school year and she has him during the summer. I'm thinking that the stress of having a baby might make her want to do that but then she would be giving in to me and that would make her not want to. I don't know, I guess we just have to play the waiting game until we find out for sure and then go from there. I am worried about getting mine and Hobbs boys together though, mine is a bully and then trying to deal with one has to do what I say and the other doesn't think so. I wanted to wait until they were a little older and could understand but they may meet sooner. Again all this is speculation, I just have to wait. I am done rambling now; hope everyone had a good weekend.