Friday, January 28, 2005


While surfing through Blogs I came across The Fence with a little thing that said that the site was certified 38% Evil. So obviously I thought my blog was pretty evil, and wanted to know what it rated. If you click the pick it sends you to the website and you can put your webpage in and it will scan it and tell you how evil or how good it is. I am actually disappointed I thought I was more evil than 40%. I'm gonna have to check up on it every once in a while to see if I have gotten more evil or good. Maybe I should do a post saying Satan, devil, and anitchrist over and over again? See how evil your site is.


2 old:

Fence said...

See, your evil rating actually changes, but you'd have to constantly change the pic. I dipped down to 18 per cent evil, but last time was riding high on 44 per cent.

RC666 said...

That's BULLSHIT! I have to change the blog so that all my posts show to get a rating of 40%. With what is showing right now, It's only 20%. I am way more evil than that. I am going to have to put more of my poetry/writings on here.