Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Yay! more music

Again although no one appears to care about my music, I haven't posted in a couple days and don't have any of my writings here with me. So since I tend to look up music most of the day at work, here's some of the artists that I found. And if anyone actually does give them a listen, let me know.

Misery Signals

A Life Once Lost

A Static Lullaby


2 old:

KelBel said...

Well, I would check out your music but the bastards at work have not provided me with speakers for my computer. Apparently I don't NEED them. Always looking for new and interesting music though, so I'll just have to try and look these up at home.

RC666 said...

I have been trying to find 'I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness' to listen to them. I can't find their songs anywhere on the net. I see they have pretty good reviews though. Alabama Thunderpussy is pretty good too though, Good Rock and Roll.