First the guys at work and I were talking about Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. I have thought for some time now that I have it. It's not really bad like when kids have it. I just notice that on the smoke deck (navy term for place outside in the fucking cold we have to go to, to smoke) I think of all kinds of things when I am alone. I start out psychoanalyzing my life, why I do things and why I am the way I am. And then see bugs on the ground and wonder what life is to them and how they see us. Things just pop up everywhere especially when I am trying to write. I start out writing about one thing and think of something else and throw that in, I usually have to rewrite things several times and rearrange every other sentence. It really sucks. And along those lines I don't feel like making a new post so I am going to post something completely off this subject.
Religion, to be honest I have no clue which one I am. I first though I was atheist and then people told me I was agnostic and once I actually had two people arguing with each other about which one I was, It was hilarious. I don't believe that there can be a higher power but I always say "I'll believe it when I see it" so I guess it is kind of both I think I'll start my own religion athie-nostic. If people know which one I fall into please let me know. I have actually researched both and can't really tell. Anyway here is a writing I found about religion that I wrote in when I was 15 or 16. To keep it real I am not editing it, except for punctuation since the paper doesn't have Actually reading it I still feel the exact same today. Which is kind or weird. It almost feels like I wrote it last week except for the date and scribbles I called writing. Well enjoy, feel free to give me any rebuttals.
What is the point of religion? You pray every night to a guy you don't even know if he really exists. Every Sunday you spend an hour or two sitting in church listening to a person read crap out of a book. Then you put your hard earned money into a collection plate for a bed-time story, trying to buy off God. I can't believe in any supernatural being that gets kicks out of ruining millions of peoples lives. How can their be a heaven when not one person has ever lived without sinning, including Adam and Eve. If there was a God it seems like he just sits and amuses himself by destroying lives and some have the nerve of saying it makes us/them stronger. If he existed why is there war and hate in the world. He would have the power to make people not commit mass murders and attempt genocide. If he did exist the world would be happy and peaceful. Even after saying this I would open up a church whenever I got a chance, it's a gold mine. Every Sunday they rake in hundreds of dollars and only have to pay the pastor and organ player (if you have one). Plus if your a church who has Wednesday mass too. Wow. They might be able to make a thousand a week at least in a good size city. Why does every religion hate devil worshipers but not the other religions such as Jews or shop's witnesses? How is worshiping the Devil different from worshiping God? They both destroy lives. I'm not supporting devil worshiping, they are just as clueless to me. How can someone control peoples lives when we have free will? Everyone makes decisions everyday how can that lead to a chosen path? God couldn't control everyone's lives. If he could how come we kill and hurt other people and people we love. I've tried to believe. I've prayed, sat through church on Sundays, put money on the collection plate, been baptized, and all the rest. It still hasn't worked my life is and always will be fucked up. It's almost like if he does exist, I pissed him off in another life. I just can't comprehend people worshiping something no one has actually seen. If an adult says they are afraid of the bogeyman people laugh, but believe in God no one laughs. To me they seem the same. They are both stories told to kids about better be good or else. I think they were both thought up to strike fear into people so they act accordingly. Be good or God or the bogeyman will get you.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005
AADD/ Religion
Crap from RC666 at 8:42:00 PM
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I know how you feel. I feel the same way. And I also can't tell if i'm closer to being athiest, or agnostic. It's a tough call. Can I join your religion? (Hehe) I suppose i'd be closer to agnostic, simply because I don't want to say there definitely ISN'T a God, it's just that thus far i've seen no reason to believe there IS. And i'm perfectly happy and content without knowing or caring. It doesn't make sense to me either. How can people say God has this divine plan for us all, when people are out committing murders every day? Either God TOLD them to do it (in which case they wouldn't need to be 'forgiven') or is God just getting a little lazy or something? Did his watchful eye just miss a couple people? How can we be forgiven for something like that? It's entirely unforgivable. If God is all about people loving one another then why would he tell someone to murder another? *sigh* Religious people are such hyprocrites. And if you 'prove' them wrong (or even just question something about the religion), they either don't have an answer, or start spewing some nonsensical, over-practiced religious spiel. It's so annoying arguing with religious people. I could go on and on, but what I could say is basically what you've already said, and what you probably believe anyway, so i'll just leave it at that. Or continue later when i've become un-lazy. Haha. Oh, i'm terrible.
Yes you can join my cult... I mean... Religion. I actually enjoy debating with Catholics, the first thing they start with if you say your an atheist is "Well how'd we all get here?" my response is always "How'd God get here?" They just look at me crosseyed. Then they start like you said spewing a bunch of crap. And I remain calm during the whole conversation, meanwhile they get all fired up and by the end I am wondering if I am gonna make it to my car alright or if this 100 lb little christian lady is gonna beat the shit out of me in the parking lot. They hate being wrong about their religion.
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