Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Everybody have a good 3 day?

I have come to realize the things I keep telling myself are really true. This 3 day week end sucked as all my weekends tend to. My life is so monotonous it's ridiculous. Monday through Thursday I work all but 3 of my waking hours. And weekends I get drunk and lay on my friends couch, wake up, eat, and watch TV and repeat all weekend. My latest drunken follie, I was at a friends house and the owner of the apartment was showing me a vacant apartment that I was thinking about renting. There was no electricity and we were just standing smoking and joking. Somehow for some reason I kinda leaned over, lost my balance and put my shoulder through the window. I am still not sure how/why/what the hell I was meaning to do and how the hell my bony ass shoulder can break anything besides itself. SO then I went to my second job Monday to make some extra money to pay for the window. And then go home and got uber drunk for no reason and played spades with my cuz on yahoo. I need to get a new life, mine has always been pretty boring. So now I am at work trying to cover my Jim Beam breath so people don't give me shit about being an alcoholic again. Oh well, here we go go again another week begins.