Thursday, February 24, 2005

Meaning of RC666

According to a link from Lohan tp avoid the copy&paste problem of the HTML they give I just copied the chart itself and pasted. Yeah it may not look as cool but it works. Also thanks to Branshine I have also added my comments on their meaning.


R is for Rare "I am a rare individual, not many like me in this world"
C is for Crazy "I love to have fun and sometimes it means doing crazy things"
6 is for 6 bottles of Jim Beam "I love Jim Beam
6 is for 6 packs of cigarettes "I smoke alot"
6 is for 6 Condoms "I don't like condoms, but they are necessary"

It wouldn't give me anything for the numbers so I improvised. Then there's


R is for Refined "I am polite most of the time, at least to people I like"
A is for Alluring "This one doesn't really fit, I seem more repulsive"
N is for Nervy "I have nerve when it is needed to stand up or fight"
D is for Deadly "I do know several ways to kill people and break bones"
Y is for Yummy "I do probably taste pretty good, I've never tasted"

What Does Your Name Mean?


7 old:

Unknown said...

That was pretty cool?

Did you find yours to be correct to some degree?

I stole for my site, but I will link back to you!

RC666 said...

Yeah they do have some relevance. I am also gonna steal from you and put my comments next to them and I think I'll add ur blog to my links if you don't mind.

RC666 said...

L,C me? I didn't lie or cheat and it's not a quiz, you simply put your name in a box and it comes up with the words. I have lied on a couple of the quizes to, not really to change my score but to see the different things, like which care bear are you, just to see which answers got that bear.

John said...

Can we just leave the care bears out of this. You could never be a care bear.

RC666 said...

Hey it was dysfuctional car bears, I thought I showed you, maybe I didn't post it because too many others did. You wanna know which one you are.

Laura said...

hahaha. oh man. that's a funny-arse quiz. apparently i'm gay bear....?

and yeah, come on, you have to test the quiz. try various things. and what if i'm more than one? then i go back and do it again and then whichever one i like better i go with that. hah.

Unknown said...

Nihilist Bear

By the way, stop being lazy and post something else,I am at work and bored...