Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Long Weekend

Yeah I know I need to post something to push down the pic of my ass. People were so scared they couldn't even comment. That is awesome. Well the ride to Ohio wasn't too bad, there was a bit of traffic and retards who were pissing me off but we made it there in 8 hours despite the constant drizzle. No tickets, no problems. My son is doing pretty good, apparently he is having a few problems listening in school. His mother tried to blame it on me but I told her that he listens to me and my family, she claimed that is only because he doesn't see us much. Whatever, while I was there he was arguing with her and she got mad and he gave her a hug and said he loved her and got his way, he looked at me and gave me one of those smirks. I told her he just knows how to play her. It is all her and no one elses fault. She didn't want to hear it. I wanted to ask about her being pregnant but I let it go. I figured she can't hide it forever if she is, well she could if she miscarried or something I suppose, but whatever. We visited my great grandpa, HB got the chance to hear some of his WWII stories, he broke out his old scrap book of all mis papers and manuals, from then, including some of the pictures that I told her about when we went to the Haulocaust museum. Like my dad said when we left, it is amazing how he can remember all that stuff from 50 years ago and we have a hard time remembering last week. He loves to tell his stories though. I told him that I wanted his scrapbook, I only wish I could remember all his stories to pass with it. Growing up he never really talked about the war but since I've been in the military he's liked to share it. We saw the whole family, had some fun. My one aunt pissed HB off more, she is a bitch. My grandma was breaking out the old goofy pics of me and my aunt handed her one of me and the ex getting married. That was fucking stupid, hell I don't wanna see that shit either. But whatever, she's a bitch, the whole family knows it and HB does too. We left Sunday so I could get back to take care of my babies and rest a little before coming back to work. Marge is still so skinny, she doesn't seem to be growing much. I am worried about her. Hopefully she starts eating. Well I need to get to work, we have a leaky ceiling and a bunch of crap I need to do. Dumbass actually did what I asked him to on Sunday! I almost shit myself when I came in today!!