Monday, January 08, 2007

New Career?

SO I decided that I am going to venture into the online poker field. I've been watching the Texas Hold'em on TV and used to play quite a bit. Lately I've been thinking how cool would it be to sit and play cards for a couple hours, granted the big tournaments are days but then win hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions. I think I could live good off that. I know chances are slim of me ever becoming one of the few who wins that much but hey, maybe I could win some extra cash. I need to figure out something since I have grown accustomed to having extra cash from a second job and all.I've decided to go with Full Tilt Poker which seems good. You can play fake money games and real money games. Some of the games have real pros on there. I figured that since I get home an hour or 2 before HB that perhaps I can play some games when I get home from work or something and then maybe some tournaments on weekends. HB has been complaining since I sit in the basement on weekends to watch what I want to instead of her shows and cartoons, now I will have a legitimate reason, I am working, I am trying to earn some money. I don't want to become one of those fat lazy guys who sit at the computer all day but I think it's the only way to really make money online. The ad-sense thing I added a long time ago and asked everyone to click but no one did, earned like a dollar in the past gawd knows how long. I like poker, don't have any friends to play with anymore so why not try, you see guys on the TV tournaments that made it from online poker, most fall out fast but there are some who make it up to the final table and earn lots of money. Personally I'd be happy maybe winning a couple hundred on the weekends. I'll keep you updated on how it goes. I think I'll download it tonight, but don't know if I will get a chance to try it out or not, we'll see.

Tomorrow I am officially out of the Navy! Thursday I will be going to see Senses Fail for the 3rd time, well the first time was warped tour but it still counts. It's gonna be great! Hopefully we will be able to take pics, it's at Ram's Head Live, last time there we couldn't take pics but I think it was just cause Jared Leto had a zit or something. Hope everyone had a good weekend.