Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The perfect ending

I am now a civilian. All my doubts were taken away as I pulled onto the base. Lately I have had a hoop in my lip because the skin on the inside has been trying to grow over the stud and was hurting a bit and not looking too good. I know the rules, you aren't supposed to have piercings in when your active duty on base. SO I pulled up and the dumb bitch working yelled at me and told me to take it out, I tried to explain I am getting out today. She said she didn't care so I took it out and as I was pulling away I held it back to my mouth and she yelled and stopped me and told me not to put it back in. I nicely told her whatever despite my urge to tell her to go fuck herself, what is she going to do write me up for disobeying her? I'd be out before she started the paperwork. SO I go up and had to gather some more crap and then endeds up waiting a long time. I did put it back in but took the ball off so it wasn't as obvious, though I am sure a small metal bar sticking out looked pretty funny. While they were going through my record they didn't see all this leave I have been on and was going to give me money for it but I told them no because I know they would come back and I would owe them more when I least expected it so they fixed that, then they had no record of me going to school to be a Radiation Health tech...none, except for a little stamp when I checked in. No graduation certificate, I told him that I had a copy at home but didn't want to go get it, we figured out when I graduated and he added it based on my word which is hugely suprising! But now I got my paperwork and am done, well sorta. Technically I am on inactive reserves until 2010. I have no clue why they do this and don't tell you until you are about to get out that they can call you back until you serve 8 years from the date you join. If I could I would just get really fat so they couldn't call me back, but I can't so if they try I'll just have to sacrifice a couple toes or something.

I downloaded the Full tilt poker, it seems cool so far exceeept that I am having problems getting money into the account. I played a bit with fake money and wasn't doing too hot, I ended up breaking a little less than even, I will probably keep playing that for a while to get the feel for the other people who play there and how they play. This will be a slow process for me since I don't really have the money to keep blowing on it, I have to be smart about it and play the low stakes, when I get good at it I will move up to the higher cost ones. But I will keep you updated.