Monday, July 10, 2006

Is it Friday yet?

I hate Monday's. Work sucked and here I sit at my other job which is sucking but not quite as bad. All day I was running around working and shit and trying to make my officer happy by finding a mythalogical form that only exist in one instruction from a year and a half ago. I looked I bugged people and finally got the answer I wanted which is how to do the form properly. But I am pretty sure that tomorrow when I tell him that he won't be happy and will still want me to make this form myself by hand. At that point I my head will probably explode, either that of my fist will convuse rapidly into his face followed by my foot in his ass. I get to my other job here and they changed the locks on me, someone lost a key or something. Followed by me going to my usual workspace and no internet and no way of logging onto the network that has all of our shit on it. apparently on the 4th of July this place was struck by lightning and blew the network and they have been having to manually run new lines to fix it and they forgot about my poor computer. They said they'd try to do it tomorrow. I am tired as shit because I kept tossing and turning last night thinking about death, I'll continue that later.

This weekend was good, Saturday we woke up early and went to DC to the Haulocaust museum. which was interesting. I kind of got bored with it after a while though. It was cool looking at some of the stuff but I mean we've all heard the stories and seen the pictures before. My great grandfather was in the war and has told me the stories and showed me some of the pictures. It was him who started my sleepless night. He is 90 years old, he is great, happy, busy old man. Most 90 year olds are lying in bed waiting to die. He is out driving around trying to keep busy, fishing, having a couple beers, visiting friends and family. I'm sure he's probably gonna go soon, he has cancer, who knows where now I think last count was lungs and somewhere else. He refuses chemo(sp?) because last time they had to put him in a home and seeing him in the hospital was unbearable for me let alone for him. He likes to run about and keep busy. This man is always happy, when his wife died I think it was about 5 years ago he was sad I saw him shed a couple tears but then he was smiles, happy to see family and friends that came to the funeral. He makes the best of everything. He always comes over whenever I am in town, how often does someone get to see there great great grandson, we wanted to get a picture of all 5 generations together but his son, my grandpa is a dick and doesn't talk to anyone because his wife is a dirty cunt and they moved to Nevada and now alabama or somewhere. It would have been an awesome picture. But then my thoughts drifted to other grandparents and how hard it would be on me and what not. Then to my parents. Honestly I think I would have to take care of the other if one of my parents died. They both work to meet their bills and I don't think they would be able to make it without the others income. This scares the shit out of me. I have never seen my dad cry and I don't wanna imagine it, but I kept last night. It was crazy but I just couldn't stop it. I hope it's not a preminition or anything. But I guess we all have to go sometime, so I'm gonna go.