Thursday, May 31, 2007

Season Finale

With all the season finales on tv I can't help but think of this being my season finale. One chapter closing and wondering what is going to happen next season. This really probably will be my last post for a while, today is my last day at work, they will be picking up my stuff including my computer tomorrow. Just like watching them on tv I feel a mix of emotions, how could it end like this, why are there still so many questions left open, kind of angry, kind of sad, kind of excited. I am hopeful. I will continue to work on myself and my relationship with my son. I do feel alot better, I don't know if its the books I've been reading, the meditation tapes I've been listening to while falling asleep, or the fact that I have been working out again, harder than before. I will get the body I want this summer or die trying. Seriously, I will not be working, I will just be playing with my son, there is a weight bench in my parents basement, I can have some time everyday to actually work out and I will make sure I do it! I have to look good, it will help me feel better about myself, it will help keep my mind busy, it will make a difference. With that I will also try to quit smoking or at least cut back dramatically at first. I know that with the stresses of moving it may take me a while but that is next on the list. So I guess this is it for now. See you next season!