So Canowine, Uncle Tom, and myself all share an office. Canowine is like the yoda, all-knowing, chick magnet. Uncle Tom is the advise giving, angry at everyone, person with no people skills. I am the token "devilworshiper", evil being, goth/punk/freak guy. Obviously since I am the outsider(as usual) I have my own blog. But we finally convinced Uncle Tom to join a blog to be a unusual news guy (he always sends us stupid news articles) and then convinced him to be an advice columnist. So I invite evryone to go to Canowine's blog and ask Uncle Tom a question his email is Please don't be shy you can ask him anything. This is a great idea I might need to do my own advice column, I have been known to be a good listener and give pretty good advise though I seem to never follow it myself. I might really think about it though my evil meter may scare away potential clients.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Ask Uncle Tom
Crap from RC666 at 1:54:00 PM
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I just wanna be able to post mp3s!
When I try/tried to I just found them online and copied the URL and posted it that way, like my daily download on the side. Or Canowine has a comcast thing where he can put files on(mp3s) and then link to them from his blog so people can download them.
HEY! I commented on your NEXT post and stupid crackhead blogger is saying "Somebody Say Something"! I DID, I DID say something dammit! Blogger is playing an April Fool's joke on me, I know it. All I want is to comment, Mom! Haha! Damn song stuck in my head applies to everything today. Remember that? Institutionalized. I will be by the end of the day. I'm rambling...must go...
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