This is fun as Hell! I don't know which is better being interviewed or interviewing others. Thank you Branshine your delightful, thought provoking questions were fun to answer.
This is a "Tag! You're It" kind of exercise except you have to volunteer to be tagged.
Here were my questions:
1. What made you decide to go into the military, do you regret this decision?
I never wanted to join the military, I was always anti-everything. I was 18 married with a son, couldn't keep a job, I kept working temp jobs for a month to 3 months at a time. I didn't feel like a "man" because I couldn't support my family. I was in the unemployment office looking on a computer for jobs in the medical field and a bunch of Navy jobs popped up. I went in and joined that month and was at bootcamp 3 months later. I don't regret it, it really helped me become a mature adult. I have grown to love my job, the comradery.
2. Describe the biggest heartbreak you have ever felt.
I kept trying to think of which woman hurt the worse when I realized what my biggest heartbreak truly was. When my ex-wife left, not her though, the fact that she took my son and moved 8 hrs away back to our hometown. He is my world, if it wasn't for him I don't know where I'd be today. In 2 more years I will leave the Navy, which I have grown to love so I can be with him again.
3.If you knew you were going to die in 3 months what would you make sure to do before you died?
I'd spend as much time with my son is possible. Go skydiving, fly all around the world especially to Ireland and Germany, Go to everyone whose ever done me wrong and beat the crap out of them with a bat(probably last thing I'd do), Blow all my money on things for Aaron(my son).
4. If God was deciding to send you parents to Heaven or Hell based only on the job they did raising you, where do you think your parents would go?
They would definitely go to Heaven(if it exists). At the time I hated them, they were so strict on me. But now looking back, they did what they could to make me a good person. The only part that was actually bad was we never communicated. I mean never, we'd go weeks saying only a couple words to each other. But it is much better now.
5. As you entered your "adult" life what was the biggest disappointment about being "grown up?"
Grew up to fast!! My son was conceived on my 18th birthday, We were married 3 months later. So my world was in shock, I was struggling to find work in a small town. Dealing with not being able to go out and have fun like I was used to. I am making up for it now while I can though, once I get back I am Daddy again.
Now, here are the rules for this Blog-a-thon. I'll offer to interview the next three people to respond to this post that will follow these rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying “interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions here. They will be different questions than the ones above.
3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Get to know your fellow Bloggers
Crap from RC666 at 7:36:00 PM
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8 old:
Cool, well off the record where u at and what do u do? I am a Corpsman Radiation Health Tech at USUHS in bethesda, MD. Ok here's ur ?'s.
1.Why did you join the Navy?(I know it's the same one I had but it was fun in bootcamp hearing why people joined)
2. What movie made you bawl like a baby and why did it touch you so much?
3. Do you beieve in God/Gods and why/why not?
4. What do you want to be doing in 10 years?
5. Lastly, If you could interview anyone alive or dead who would it be and why?
YEAH AND I AM GOING TO IDC SCHOOL TOO! Well not really but I am going to diego BABIE
(cue funky music)
DEVIL? SCARY? STRANGE? Your thoughts little missy?
What's up with where I'm at? I am not the devil, I am strange, not really scary. IDC cool. My C-school was in Groton,CT we had sub IDCs in our class. Don't go to Groton, Sub people are very strange. And it sucks for women at the hospital because all these wierdos fuck with you. I wasn't one of them but I witnessed it alot. I have only been in 3 years, was gonna make a career out of it until my recent tragedy. I unfortunatly have not been on a ship, even though it would suck especially for me (6'4" tall) and the work, I really wanted to travel. Oh well I will finish my term at my comfy job Useless I mean USUHS.
Ex taking my son back to Ohio. I rarely get to see him.
So you were sattioned here or an ex is here? If you were...when?
CPW is slack so I will tell you an ex is there.
an evil ex, that she still thinks is great and because she talked me into Austin I am making her go there when she comes home this summer, so if it sucks we might just be forced to call you!
Hey yeah give me a call I will prob finish my naval career here so that will be Jan 2007.
Damn now I am tryin to figure out which one is her ex. I'm gonna assume he's Navy she's going to IDC school, so he's prob E5 or 6. If he's single I got 3 choices If he's married then I got 4 choices, If he's in another service I got about 70 Hmm can I buy a vowel or first name?
I am sorry I am nosey, I find it very strange to stumble onto ur website to find this out, such a small world. I know it's not me at least.
I know he is at the hospital, but I am don't think he had the same job as her. I get lost in all the navy talk.
He is not married, but a bit older than CPW and I, his name rymes with Bike, she is going to kick my ass!
ok nevermind, nothing to worry about if he's at the hospital. I know 2 people over there out of the umphundred. I thought he was at USUHS there is only 40 Navy people over here. I try as much as possible not to talk to the hospital. It has worked thus far. Ok well CPW don't kick Brans ass there are no people here nor do I know any people who's names rhyme with bike.
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