Unfortuanatly I have realized that I am fucked by recieving a DUI. I am not really that upset about that as I am the other previous post realizing that I am soon to be alone here in a strange place. If my License is revoked I will no longer be able to hang out with almost anybody. If I am put on restriction(God forbid) I will not be able to attend my 3 awesome concerts I have tickets for in April. I had to meet with eveyone today and confess my sins and arrest. I am being put into Drug and Alcohol awarenes program(DAPA) My Masterchief claims that since I was double the legal limit and could pass a field sobriety test that I must have I high tolerence and must be an alcoholic though I claimed to only have 4 drinks the night in question. I have been making a good name for myself at the comand, being Color guard member of the quarter and year, serving on the Axillary security force and trying to be present at most command functions. I was called back at 3pm while I was almost to my second job to meet with our Executive Officer who is cool as shit and said that these facts would not go unnoticed during my UCMJ trial(captains mass though I am at a triservice command with the XO, CO being army) Hopefully my punishment won't be too severe.
Back to the unwanted child. I have not many friends. I don't have a woman to stand by my side. I believe that if I had a woman to be by my side I wouldn't be so down. I live and learn. Only from my mistakes can I understand the severity of my actions. I have my speeches down to give in my trials. I have been looking through my notebook for a writing to post since it has been a while. The majority are about the soul mate I met in seventh grade, though we were kind of together in High school also. Though she had a boyfriend we were also kind of a couple. She left me a message 2 weeks ago, but she works second shift and gets off after I go to bed, and goes to work before I get off. I tried to call her both Saturday and Sunday but she didn't answer nor returned my calls. It hurts, she was my best friend and lead me onto the right path though I soon strayed due to the fact that she had a boyfriend and we "couldn't be together". I remember everything fromthe note I passed her in 7th grade, our fisrst kiss, the night we went to homecoming as "just friends", the day no one was in the house and we had fun on her brothers bed, to the many days we just went rollerbalding in an up and coming neighborhood they were building. I miss her so much. The last time I went home I got a chance to hang out with her and some friends she works with. Though the night didn't turn out as planed. Her ex"boyfriend" was there and she was trying to make him jealous, not wanting to play that role again I walked away for a while to come back to her dancing with an Air Force reservist that was going to Iraq. I was devistated once again. But adapt and overcome and be depressed in private. Life sucks, most women suck(I won't say all, there has to be someone out the compatable for me...doesn't there), I really hate going through my notebook.This notebook was started my freshman year of high school and contains 7women in them though I didn't use there names in there I know which was who, That I thought I was in love with at least for the time being, You know the High school romances and the drama. Out of the 73 writings,14 about ex- wife, 25 about soulmate, then there's the rest of the ramblings and other women, the bad part is that I can only seem to write when I am depressed any other time I seem to have writer's block. Who knows maybe I am as fucked up as others and I joke about. Oh well I guess it's live and let die, have as much fun as I can til that day.

Monday, March 28, 2005
I am God's unwanted child
Crap from RC666 at 7:37:00 PM
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RC: It will be ok and plus you have all of blog land (well not all of it but all of it that is cool) behind you you know to lean on. () () *blogger hugs. Plus do you really want to be one of God's children? I think not, now stop being a stinky and hold your head up high,we know you can do it you stright walking drunk.
I wish I had started writing sooner. It keeps me sane these days to put it all out here, well not HERE but on mine, instead of freaking out in real life. Those young romamces are so hard to get over because it seems your only responsibilities were to eachother. As we get older everything, and everyone, else gets in the way. You're lucky you wrote down the good memories instead of being haunted by the bad. You'll meet someone (pot calling kettle here). I'll scope out a hot 22 year old for ya' and drive her down to Bethesda, how's that? 45 minutes and I'm there. :)
haha! "romamces"
Bran: No I don't really wirh to be God's child but was watching Fight Club, was going to put I am Jack's unwanted bowel movement but then it said "Fuck damnation, man! fuck redemption! We are God's unwanted children? So be it!" SO I thought it sounded cooler. Thanks for the hugs, I need them.
TG: Blogging does kind of help. Like I said I used to write alot, but that didn't help much because I never showed it to anyone, on here you can get advise and feedback from complete strangers so it isn't too awkward. Make sure it's a mature 22 year old please, I act too mature for my age though I might not actually think I do. Damn concience. We definately need to meet up sometime, though I may not be able to drive for a year.
That's why I'll bring the 22 (er, 25) year old to you. I'm on the prowl...I'll make sure she likes Fight Club. Ever read my posts about Car Boy? The two of you would get along great. You're like the same person but 10 years younger than he is, except of course that you probably aren't an ass. You have the same personailty and interests though. You don't compare yourself to Donnie Darko do you???
I have been reading your posts lately, I have not read about carbot though. And no I am not an ass, I can be to people I don't like just so they know I don't like them, but not usually. Actually I am kind of like Donnie Darko, I am just waiting for the monent I explode and call everyones bullshit like he did, though I really don't give a shit about time travel. I would compare myself more to Stevo in SLC Punk, I was once hard core but then forced to grow up and pretty much sellout. He became a layer and I joined the military. If you've never seen the movie I suggest you do, I have it if you wanna come watch it...lol
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