Mr. Bagger man,
Hi, we just met a little while ago. I would like to thank you for dooming any other bagger I meet at the commisary. Though there have been a few before you that have sparked my hatred for you, you drove me over the edge. I hate the fact that I couldn't think of the words to tell you while I was there but I was so full of rage all I could think about was not puching you in the face and then grabbing the lighter fluid that was next to the cash register and squirting it all over you and then pull my zippo out of my pocket and spark it and then throw it at you. Sometimes when I do have cash in my pocket and go to buy groceries, I don't need someone to push the few items in my cart out to my car for me, I am a big boy. And when I take the cart from you in the store I don't need you to throw your hands in the air and point at the sign saying "baggers don't get paid by the hour, they work for tips". Next time one of you try to make a scene like that I will say "Fine, you can take my bags to my car." and then after you put all my groceries in my trunk and shut it for me I will then go to get in my car and leave. If you should persist in any way that you still deserve a tip I will give you one. Go get a real fucking job that pays by the hour. Bagging groceries isn't hard I did it for about a year and a half making $5 an hour. You will nor any other of your fellow baggers will get a fucking penny from my hard earned money. I work 2 fucking jobs, I leave the house by 6am every morning and am usually lucky if I'm back home by 7pm, thats 5 days a week and then I sometimes work on saturday. So fuck you and your 8 fucking hours for tips. Because of you I am tempted to go to the commisary everyday during my luch break and get 20 items so I can't go into the express lane so I have to have one of you baggers try this shit with me again until I give each of you this speech, maybe then you won't try to guilt people into giving you money anymore. If you want to guilt people go stand on one of the fucking street corners and I don't give those fuckers anything anymore either. So I hope that the couple dollars I didn't give you is gonna make you starve to death so that the world can be a little better without another fucking bum on it trying to get some fucking money the easy way instead of going out and getting a real job where they have to work for it. Bagging groceries is for teenagers who can't get these "real jobs" your an old fucking man that is supposed to have some sort of skill other than bagging groceries.
Your new enemy for life,

Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Thank you Mister Bagger man
Crap from RC666 at 3:33:00 PM
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