Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Motherfuckin bitch ass doctors!!

So they aren't doing my surgery today. They claimed that my fucked up eye is the same and my other eye now has some shit on it or something. I don't care if they are fucked up I just don't want to wear glasses anymore! But he wouldn't listen to my logic, his whole morale shit or something made him give me more drops and wants to see me Friday down at the DC office. I may have to just metro there, I hate driving and especially a weekday morning I doubt I will find parking. That shit pisses me off almost as much as the drivers around here and thats a fucking lot! But I guess on the bright side I can go to counseling tonight and probably next week and fucking be done with it. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make it if I did have the surgery. But whatever. I am fucking hungry but what else is new. The townhouse we like sounds like a go. They want a bigger security deposit because our credit isn't good hopefully we offered him enough. If I don't hear back today I'll call tomorrow. I'm just pissed about my eyes! So I can't talk right now. It's nice outside I may walk down to the NEX and see if they have the new Yeah Yeah Yeah's. Hope everyone else has a good humpday, mine would have been better if stupid doctors didn't fuck shit up and worry about patients and just do what I fucking want!