Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Your still reading?

After 427 posts, wow! Especially since it's lost all of it's entertaining value what so ever, but then again it really didn't have any to begin with so I guess your not missing anything. Not much been happening on my front. I guess things have mellowed out a lot since I don't have my partner in crime here anymore. I need to start packing my lunch of bring in sandwhich shit. I've been buying lunch like crazy and between Subway, Taco Bell, the occasional salad, and the chicken I got today I spend anywhere between 6-8 dollars a day on lunch, lets do some math shall we. We'll round that to 7, that's 35 a week, 140 a month, 1680 a year. That's over twice my current rent. It's retarded not to mention I buy all kinds of stupid shit that at least entertains me for a couple weeks or months, but food, shit that keeps me happy for only an hour tops. And this shit isn't really delicious especially after eating it every other day. Steak and cheese sub, or grilled stuffed burrito. I tried some of the other stuff today, I got chicken and rice, it goes by weight, cost 9, for 2 pieces of chicken and some rice that did fill me up but wasn't really that good or that much. The rice is the main thing that filled me up. Fucking people, I tried last week to go to the little shop and buy a small sandwich and a bag of chips, it still cost 5.50 and was no where close to filling me up or good. Bags of chips cost .99 for a decent sized bag but when you open it, it's all air, it has a much chips as the little snack bags you used to be able to get for .35 back in the day but now cost .60 in the vending machines. It's fucking retarded. I really hate this inflation shit and not really the fact that yeah cost and demand and shit but the fact that it jumps so high and the quality and quantity gets smaller. I think when I get out and HB decides where we're gonna live I am buying a gun and killing my own food. I have never hunted well I kind of have I shot birds, fish, and people with a bb gun. Yes fish, it flooded and fish were in puddles near the creek and we shot them. I think I shot a squirel or 2 but don't remembered if they died. I'll start stealing peoples farm animals or pets or whatever. Hopefully I will be able to find a doritos farm. MMMMMmmmmm Doritos. It'll all be free after the cost of the gun, bullets and fines for hunting on people property and theft. Whatever I think it would still be cheaper that 140 a month, and Think of all the more stuff I will get and how many times I'd get away with it before getting caught. Just a thought. The only problem is my lazyness, but I do overcome that when I'm fighting anything like "the man" that is jacking up my costs. Well I better go, I need to go syphon some gas out of the car next to mine, I'm getting low again. I'm not paying fucking 3 dollars a gallon!