Wednesday, October 05, 2005

First Counseling session

So I had my first counseling shit yesterday. It wasn't too bad, just annoying. I was supposed to be there at 6, SO I had time to kill after I left here, I went and got some groceries since I had no more food in my room. Then I kind of fell asleep while eating nachos and watching that 70s show. I woke up at 550, thinking FUCK! I had to miss my other job to go to this and if they make me come Thursday, Im gonna have to miss work again. SO I jumped up ran out and called them on the way saying I was stuck in traffic, there was an accident in front of me and all that good shit that happens all thim around here. I said I'd be like 15-20 minutes late, she gave me a hard time but then just told me to hurry up. SO I am speeding my ass there, figuring that I'd get pulled over for speeding and expired tags (they're not expired really they just haven't sent me the new ones in the mail yet) But no problems, then I found a parking lot close to the building so I didn't have to walk the normal block in a half. OH yeah I had to piss like a motherfucker, I didn't have time to go after my nap, and wasn't sure if I had to take a piss test before the meeting. So this parking lot is exclusivly for a liquor store with the sign that says it and violators will be shot and have their car jacked or some shit like that. But I am late and have to piss and have no idea how long this shit was gonna last so I risk it. I get up stairs tell them I'm there, they dick around so I grab the keys and go to the bathroom. I figured if they wanted to test it they should say something before they let me take the keys. I get back and sign in and take a breathalizer and go to class. There was all kinds of people in there, a couple guys in suits, a big biker dude, me and a bartender. So we watched a video from like the 70s with some professor/priest(he had the white collar thing) who talked for ever making not so funny jokes. He compared alcohol to ether and other fluids(water, milk, coffee) made some interesting points that I've already forgotten, I should have took notes. People would look at me funny but hey it's only so I can share it with the world right here. We had a short discussion at the end about the film and what we thought about it. And tonight I'll probably go to my first AA meeting, I found one by my other job, I'll see how they sign the sheet for the counselor and see if I like it or not, if not I'll sign the sheet. Forgery isn't that hard really. Wait who wrote that.....Prank post, Prank post! What'd Shaggy say, "It wasn't me!" Well Happy Hump day, enjoy your cocktails this evening while I'm in AA, I'll catch up when It's over.