Monday, October 24, 2005

Sickly Weekend

Yeah So I have been pretty fucking sick all weekend. But that didn't stop me from having a pretty good time. Our field trip Friday would have been extremely boring but actually turned out pretty fun. I have debated with myself whether or not to post about it because shit always changes so fast in my life that this could be gone as soon as it came but fuck it. So Friday we got off the bus and had our own little smoke crew light up and the has been a hottie thats been here a little while I'll call her HB(hot brownie(Uncle Tom likes to call latinas brownies)). But she bums a smoke off me and everyone breaks off to go into groups and split amonst the ship and museum. Since everyone was gone our smoking group went to the ship together. The was 5 or 6 of us including 2 guys who are kind of dicks, you know the "het hottie, I'm the shit" guys. But she kind of ignored them and we talked a bit. We then proceded over to the museum where we talked a little more, sat and watched part of a cheesy black and white movie that I said was our first date, and then there was another one so that was our second date. Talking we have alot in common. She has a 2 year old and will be offically divorced on Wednesday. It was kind of scary how much we had in common. She is/was convinced I am a closet psyco, because thats been the kind of people she has been attracting lately. I warned her that I was really wierd but not really a psyco. Though she did get a little scared when I told her I had a few daggers and used to start fires, but hey I'm an honest But we sat together on the bus ride back and I finally worked up some courage to ask her what she was doing and if she wanted to see a movie. She just kind of giggled and then the bus stopped to let her group(she kind of works in a different building) off so she left without an answer. SO I figured that yeah it was just like normal, I suck. But Decided to send an email and ask why I didn't get an answer. A little while later she said yes. She is sick too, so I figured 2 sick people hanging out wouldn't be too bad. SO we had dinner and then just sat and talked for hours. It was really nice. The only problem is she is on leave this week to go back home and actually bring her son up here to live with her now that she is settled. And I know that they'll need alot of bonding time since she hasn't seen him for a while and he's gonna need to get used to living here. But we'll see what happens when she gets back.