Monday, May 08, 2006

I am weird

I have always been well aware that I am weird, but today it struck me in a different sense. I took my uniform home Friday and grabbed a new one when I was at my place, threw it in the car. Last night around 11 while I laid in bed trying to go to sleep I remembered it was still in a ball in a bag in my car. I was too lazy to go get it so this morning I woke up threw on clothes and ran out to get it. I gave it a quick as hell ironing job and was disappointed in the results but was strapped on time. Now I sit here in my uniform with little wrinkles and creases out of place that are driving me the same guy who could be going to a nice restraunt and grab a stained pair of clothes in a ball on the floor and go. But I am different in my uniform. It really pisses me off seeing people jacked up in uniform. When their hair is out of regulation or uniform looks like shit. Though when in civilian clothes I couldn't give 2 shits what my clothes look like. I don't really understand it. I guess it's just because I secretly do like looking good once in a while and my uniform is my chance to look professional or some shit, who knows. I had a good weekend. Friday I drove 3 fucking hous up north of Bmore to my buds bday party. I thought I was being slick by printing directions that avoided the major highways that I knew would be backed up during rush hour. Well my way took me on a long ass drive staight through the slums of Bmore. I am not easily scared but I turned down my stereo because of my speakers and got out my knife, opened it and sat it under my leg waiting for someone to come up and try to reach through my window. Yeah I could have simply rolled them up like everyone else but it was nice outside and I will not change my routine because there may be a chance of bitches fucking me over. Fuck them. But I arrived safely and consumed a shit ton of beer and passed out on his couch. Just like old times. Returned home to HB so she could go out Saturday night with the girls. Sunday we just vegged out and talked a bit. I love how we can just talk. I mean about anything and everything. Talked to Specy Saturday night and then HB and I talked to him yesterday because she felt the need to call and inform him that while I was talking to him the night before I was taking a dump. She thought it was odd though I knew he wouldn't care. We should be getting the key to our new place today after work. Move our shit this weekend!! I need to pack up all my shit sill, I threw some clothes in garbage bags on friday but I need to gather my dishes and shit I didn't even think of. I will probably do that this week sometime. We have quite a few little boxes in our dungeon that I didn't even think of. I'll grab them for dishes and shit it should be great. Well I suppose should get to doing something. Tomorrow I will hunt some more boxes for HB my co-worker just said that I should be able to find a bunch downstairs so I may grab them and hide them in the dungeon. I now have a mission. Happy Monday!