Friday, May 12, 2006

It's Friday!!!!!!!

About fucking time. Everyone is leaving but I have duty so I have to stay which is bullshit. I would normally just take off but I have to wait for the other dumbshit to come in so I can show him what needs to be done Monday and Tuesday since I won't be here and he hasn't really been here this week. I went during lunch to get more paint and other shit. I may just stay there and paint all night, so it's done and over with. I've been tired a shit lately, HB and I are like an old couple going to bed around 930 and shit but we've just been dragging ass!! She's been down and shit and I just don't really know what to do or how to help. Maybe if I finish painting that will be one less thing to bother her. Plus I know my lazy ass, if I don't do it now, it won't get done. Especially when we get cable and internet and I can play my xbox with specy! Mother's Day is Sunday and I didn't get my mom a card, I just figured I'll call. I've been wondering if I should do anything for my ex or HB. I guess I am taking HB to a concert on Sunday, does that count even though I said it was for her Bday? Who knows, who cares. Hb's been down about all the change, I've just kind of been blah. I mean I'm excited about having our own place, and meeting her family, and seeing specy soon, and getting my son but for right now it's blah. I'm trying to run around and get shit done. Picking up shit from my apartment and dropping it off, getting supplies and painting. My body's been sore and I've been lethargic. This is how I can tell HB is my kindred spirt. When one of us feels bad, so does the other, though she always seems to out do me. I have a sore tooth and back pain, she gets a UTI. I get eye problems, she gets pre cancerous lesions. But I don't mind too much not winning the "Ha, my problem is worse than yours" prize. Especially since that prize is just me moaning about my insignificant problems while she sucks up hers and still tries to baby me while I feel like a complete ass. HB is finishing painting the kitchen as I type, it is bright ass red, we will have to take pics. Seriously thought I mean RED it is different, our whole place is gonna be different which is cool but I hate the fact that it's not gonna be ours for ever you know. I guess it's just me being lazy and look at it as hey here's my hard work that's gonna be for nothing in a year you know. But what can I say, it's what she wants and I love her and want to do what I can to make her happy and this is just a little work that I can help with. Well jackass should be getting here soon and I need to smoke before he gets here and pisses me off. Have a great weekend, we should be back on Wednesday, hopefully with some pics of the place and 30 Seconds to Mars. Happy mother's day to all you mothers.


1 old:

Anonymous said...

It's me suckas!! I just got email at work so I will send it out to you two! Korea is pretty cool so far, the food rocks, I wish that you were here to try some of the restaurants with me. Well folks I gotta go, but I'm happy that you two are finally in your new place!!

-Uncle Tom