Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Goodbye...for now

First off, if you don't have your speakers on, turn them on. HB was kind enough to pick up a CD on her way home yesterday. Silverstein's new(kind of) album. 18 Candles: The Early Years is a compilation of their early stuff with a couple added acoustic and live song. 2 of the songs were recorded right here at the 930 club on March 1, if you remember I was fighting with Specy to go to either that one or the next day in Baltimore but he bitched out on me. Fucking fag, you'd be able to hear us screaming "Already Dead" like we did at the other times we saw them. But this acoustic version of Call it Karma is fucking GREAT! The original kicks ass to but I love the way he plays his guitar. Now if your a fan which most of my readers aren't because you suck!(just kidding...well a little) most of the songs from the early albums are the same as what was on "When Broken is Easily Fixed" which was there first full length album. It's kind of cool hearing how Shane sounded 6 years ago.

Again I have tons of shit to do, I am supposed to show an officer how to cover for me while I'm gone but he's no where to be found. I am pissed and about to just leave and say fuck it, what are they gonna do fire me? Bend my dogtags? Fucking officers! I am starving! I have to eat all the breakfast sandwichs I have so they don't go bad and get thrown away, so thats gonna be my lunch today. I am about to go eat it so I can leave soon. Well there is the retard officer and he just said yeah I know how to do it...ok fuck you them later, now I have to go down and do the shit I could have done earlier. Fuckin asshole! and then the guy in charge of me gives me 2 big boxes of things and said to go through them and see if their are any old ones and take them out! I am out of here in an hour. Fuck all these fuckheads! Vacation is starting early cause I'm not staying long at my other job. I still need to pack and shit! Peace everyone. Like I said look for audio coming soon!


3 old:

Anonymous said...

Like the song.
Hope you have a great vacation..

Gregg said...

Great song. I could never be in the army cuz after reading your blog, I probably would have be in jail for officer homicide.

So ... what's the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb?


all we are is a spec in life said...

Dude it is a pht CD I got it and I am down with all the tracks. I am glad I have another CD to listen too in the car. Cant wait to hang out in SA on the 5th. Peace Nigger!!!