Thursday, May 04, 2006

THEY always pick on me

You know "they", being everyone who can. So I went to my eye appointment yesterday, my vision is 20/20 in one eye and 25/20 in the other. But he yelled at me, he asked how many times a day I've been putting in my eye drops. I lied and said twice a day, he said I needed to put them in 4 times a day and artificial tears 4-6. Apparently my eyes are starting to look scarred which is bad. I'm not sure and he didn't explain how bad, but I think if they scar I am going to go blind and die a couple days after. So I yelled at HB to make sure I put them in. He said I'll be doing this for a couple months. I haven't put them in in at least a week or so. I can see great, they didn't hurt, I thought I was all clear but I was wrong like usual.

I left work here early yesterday, about 12, I did a bunch of work so I figured I deserved it. When I got out to my car there was a ticket on it. I park in patient parking because staff is far away. How do they know I'm not a patient, just becasue my car has hospital stickers, maybe it's my wifes car and she has an appointment while I am working. But of course this isn't the case so I can't go argue that. I think it was one of the fat cops I made run the other day, he found my car and ticketed it. So that's another $50 out the window, my second in about a month, not to mention my speeding ticket. Fucking cops are always after me. They left me alone for a while so I didn't know it was a conspiracy but now they are back. I thought about fighting the system and keep parking in my spot but then decided that I didn't want to keep giving them my money that I could use on Cds or movies. I can't wait 250 days until I am a civilian and don't have to work here anymore!!!! Hopefully I will have enough leave to stop working around November! 2 full incomes for 2 months and only working one job! Merry fucking Christmas indeed if it works that way. I have it planned already, my hospital badge is good until 2008 so I can still get on base. I can wake up with HB and go to work and then leave after I get enough hours in and come to base and go to the gym, since I alway claim I don't have time, I will then.

Yesterday HB bought our tickets to Texas, "they" only screwed us on taxes and shit. But I called and reserved a Uhaul for moving next weekend, they only had a 10ft truck which I believe with my expert tetris skills I can fit all our big shit into, but I can't pick it up until after 4 on saturday which sucks because I wanted to get everything loaded up as early as possible so I can rest and shit, then unpack on Sunday. I have a friend coming down from north of baltimore on Saturday because the hard part is gonna be getting my shit out the window and HBs down 3 flights of stairs. But getting the stuff in the new place shouldn't be too bad. I'm excited. Then after unpacking the big shit we can go see 30 Seconds to Mars Sunday night for HBs Bday present up in Bmore. And unpack everything else Monday and Tuesday since we took off.

Thank god that tomrrow is Friday, I will be heading north of Bmore to that friend I mentioned house for his Bday, I haven't seen him in a couple months. I may have to get drunk as shit. He was one of the ones that went to the strip club with me in San Antonio for my Bday 2 years ago and bought me lap dances and I got to go on stage and everything. Good times except getting my sack hit by my belt. I'd like to do the same for him but I don't think his wife would like Well in case I don't post tomorrow, everyone have a good weekend. Try not to get "them" hold you down. Fight the man!!!!!!