Monday, September 26, 2005

Mission Top Secret, Destination Unknown

So I am back from my trip. Below are a few pics. I had to take my crappy camera so there no that good, I didn't take that many anyway. But I ended up staying at the Bahia in San Diego. It was very relaxing. I was hoping to be detoxing while on vacation but of course that didn't happen, like every other time I try. Though I didn't get too stupid and didn't make an ass of myself so at least I drank somewhat responsibly. But I had a blast. I love the beach, there was a bar on the boardwalk with sand every where, they had a wave machine thing that people were surfing in. I want to move to Cali now. But it seems the fun of my vacation is over, now back to the normal routine of living in the fucking barracks. I need a drink, I was pretty wasted last night, drank a bunch at the airports, probably just because I hated to say goodbye to my surroundings. I got in at 530 this morning, then drove back here and passed out for a couple hours. I am bored as shit already! Daytime TV sucks ass!!!! Nothing is on, I've seen all my movies a million times, I need to go buy more. I need John Q damnit. I still can't figure out why my emotions have left me. Well ok some are still there but don't leave my mind. I did actually shed a couple tears while I was gone, me and a friend were talking about some shit and then my son and I was feeling really bad that I was on a vacation instead of going home to see him. I feel like a total bum. I need a haircut really bad, I have shaved, Oh well I am on vacation. I am hungry, I need food and coke to go with my beam! I need to balance my check book and figure out how much money I have left. I will post some more shit when I manage to get my brain back, which means maybe later when I have a full stomach and am wasted. Happy Monday to all you people at work and HAHA!