Friday, February 10, 2006


My top 8. I've been busy all day doing actuall work. I even had to stay like 20 minutes later at Navy because I had to do a bunch of other shit. But HB still wants to rush me for my top 8. I am at my other job and have shit to do here as well. But first I'd like to invite everyone over to myspace to listen to The Seldon Plan they've been over on my sidebar for a while and people may have forgotten. Be their myspace friends, go HERE. Ok my top 8 whatever I am supposed to do. Even though everyones are pretty much the same.

1. Of couse Sense of humor, I mean come on when we can sit and laugh together at stupid shit, that's always a good time. And she's still giving me shit because last night she was pinching my ass and I farted on her hand. It wasn't on purpose she just jiggled it out. But we have a good laugh.

2. Communication, I've always been bad at this. I keep emotions and thought bottled up so it doesn't offend the other or make them worry. But with HB I tell her everything and try to get her to tell me everything. Any insecurities, just voice them instead of letting them brew. As long as it is discussed calmly and rationally everything will be fine...I hope.

3. Honesty of course. I mean who likes being lied to, Uncle Tom please put your hand down. But I've been lied to a lot, and I've also lied alot to keep from fights. But this goes with communication because not telling is almost as bad as lying. And lying isn't honest.

4. Attractive, No one else is gonna put this for fear of being shallow, well fuck all of you. It's tru you don't usually fall in love with someone your not attracted to. Although it does happen, your friends first and then bam, but whatever. HB is smoking hot, I don't see why she thinks I'm hot but whatever I'm not ugly, just skinny.

5. What's the word that means put up with my shit, we'll just call it understanding. This is life we all fuck up from time to time, we have emotions and sometimes we get angry and I yell at you for smacking my lower back 5 minutes after I woke up, I'm sorry. I wasn't mad at you just a little cranky.

6. Caring I guess, just thinking of the other. I try to do it and it's nice to finally have someone else do it for me. Ask how the others day went and actually care, not just saying it to say it. Do things that may not be your favorite but the others favorite. I go shopping for christ sakes, that's only fun for CDs, movies and sometimes books. Clothes are a no.

7. Adventerous, I like to be spontanious from time to time. Like it's says over there to the left. I get stuck in routine and I don't think its a bad thing because it's safe but sometimes I like to get up and go somewhere anywhere.

8. Love, self explanitory right. I've finally found someone who loves my faults and I love hers, we accept our pasts and love that they have made us the people we are now and have brought us together. I love everything about her and I think she loves everything about me, except how I dress and fart on her hand. And she's accusing me of yelling at her lately but I'll settle that tonight with the back of my hand! Just kidding, she'd whoop my ass! There hunny I did what you asked off me....I love you. Everyone else happy Friday have a good weekend.

I Tag Uncle Tom so he'll fucking post something!! and anyone else who wants to.