Wednesday, February 01, 2006


So I am almost done with Einstein's Dreams and it got me thinking and I tried to look some shit up but it was too much reading and shit. But who decided that we should have time? I know at first there was a sundial and shit to approximate time. But who decided that there were 60 seconds and 24 hours and how many days in a week and how many days in a month and all that shit. I can see how many days in a year, that can be calculated by how the earth rotates and shit but why isn't there 10 months with 25 or 36 days, did some one count from when the sun came up one day until the sun came up the next day to figure out that there was about 86400 seconds in a day. This shit pisses me off. I like the book because it talks about different realms of time. The book is very discriptive and helps me "see" what they are talking about, except I think the author was a brit or some shit because I don't understand the places he is talking about like Marktgasse and shit. I think he is saying markettown or something. Anyway, different realms where time goes backward, stops, you can see your future, where time radiates from a certain point, one where every moment seems like the end, and so on. It is kind of cool, I wish we did have these realms. In one you can walk through time. Like walking to another place, you can walk to another time. I wish I alone could do this. I would be filthy rich, I would win the lottery and become a professional gambler. Go to Vegas and take a step back from the roulette wheel and put everything I had on 36, Take a step back and bet on the boxing match or keno. God that would be awesome! But anyways, damn the fucker who came up with a clock. If they hadn't invented it you'd just have to be at work when the sun came up, on rainy days you wouldn't be late and you would be able to leave when the sun started to get low. I think it would be pretty fucking cool. Civilization made it for a damn long time without clocks and having to be somewhere by a certain time. Why fuck up a good thing that wasn't broken! In one realm there wasn't a concept of time, a couple met and the man said to meet him at the fountain, she waited for a couple days at the fountain for fear she would miss him. Now that's great, that's love and dedication. But I am bored as shit and trying to kill this so-called "time" until I can go home so I going to keep reading. Happy Humpday! Maybe I can ask the group at counseling what their thought of time are to kill time there.