Monday, November 21, 2005

Damn Chris

SO yet another weekend has come to pass. Again it was pretty good. Friday night I went to my other job then came back to HBs house, we just watched some movies and went to bed early for once. Woke up the next morning and went back to my other job, I needed to try to make up some hours for all the days off I've been taking off. From there I went home for a little bit to try to get some more shit organized since I am never there. My landlord came up to fix my computer a bit since it has been messin up. I was supposed to go back to HBs but Chris called me and wanted me to go to this game night shit at one of his friends house. I thought "well I haven't hung out with him for a while" so I told him I'd call HB and let her know my change of plans. He starts giving me this guilt trip shit about him leaving soon and going to the sandbox and shit. I yelled at him for being an ass and called her. She asked if I'd be coming over after and I said that it probably depended on what time we left and whether or not we got drunk, she said ok and to give her a call later to let her know. Game night was pretty sucky. 3 tvs, 11 people playing. So you have a little square of the tv, played some Halo 2 and did pretty good, then Halo 1 and some other crappy games. Around 1030 I was asking when we were going to leave and he said not for a while. SO about 12 I called HB and told her I probably wouldn't come over, mainly because I didn't want her to have to keep her door unlocked while she is sleeping until I got there and then wake her up. Come to find out on SUnday when I went over there she had a little suprise that she was sleeping in, waiting for me!SO she shows me it and says "this is what you missed while you were out with your other girlfriend last night" (Chris and I discussed that I am the man of the relationship since I am taller, he has bigger boobs than me, plus he whines more). SO she's messin with me and giving me the brush off. I told her to hand me my phone, I called Chris and left him a voicemail telling him that I was going to puch him in the face when I saw him (I actually did punch him in the face in Vegas when he ruined it with all those 21 yr olds). He called back later and tried to talk to her and help me out. It didn't really work until later she did try it on for me, so I could see it. When I saw him this morning I balled up my fist but he asked if she put it on and I said yes a little bit, but not the stockings and he said it was close enough so I couldn't hit him. and then we made out I mean made up.

Tonight we(chris and I) are going to see Hawthorne Heights and Silverstein! It will be my 3rd time seeing both of them, Chris has only seen Hawthorne Heights once but Silverstein the same. We are stoked! Take out some agression by screaming until our voices are gone (HB and his girlfriend will be happy about that) and jumping around fighting our way to the front. It will be fun, it's the last concert that I have planned so far this year. Although I found Action Action, Men, Women and Children are playin in Bmore next month. I'd like to see action action again and canowine said men, women, and children were good. I think I heard a song or 2 that sounded pretty good. Also Funeral for a Friend are coming back next month and headlining so that would be cool too. Though I really need to save money for a new car and christmas presents. SO I probably won't go to any more unless a really good one comes since I always have to have a couple drinks and buy a tshirt. But I will try to take pics tonight and am pretty sure we can get close. If we can get front on UnderOaths sold out show, we should do pretty good since This show isn't sold out. Happy Monday, or at least it will be when I'm at the show!

Update* Show sold out!