Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Fake Friday again!

So Today is another fake friday, and not only for a 4 day weekend like most people, it will be a 7 day weekend for me! Ok so I may not be off completely for 7 days, I took the extra days off so I could work at my other job to make some extra cash for Christmas especially cuz this check is going to suck with me missing days because of my van and counseling and shit. My counseling should be changing, it was supposed to be 8 weeks of "education" then the rest(how ever long they keep me) in group. I will be sure to pick a day when group is with a different counselor since the new one sucks ass and changed the "education" to group on his own and is completely worthless. Turkeyday is tomorrow. I hope it's fun. I will be spending it with HB and a couple of her work-mates. I think it'll be fun. Though I guess I am going to have to be somewhat proper since one of them is bringing her father or something and is probably traditional so I can't go with my usual stained jeans and offensive t-shirt that I usually wear on special holidays. HB laughed at my plans for thanksgiving, I was going to have shake and bake pork chops, a bottle of Jim Beam, and thinking about it I'd probably have worn my boxers or naked depending on the temp in my apartment. Hey though it sounds better than how I spent Easter this year, refer to THIS post. I cooked some stir fry for HB last night, she claimed to like it, I thought it was OK, not the best I've made but then I didn't have time to marinate the meat in some beer and sauce overnight so what can I expect. I'm trying to read my book again since I have neglected it lately. I'd like to share a small piece(ok not that small) about comparisons that is witty and true:

"You're missing the point," she said. "What you're saying makes sense in theory, but not in practice. You're trying to compare apples and orange."

"Why do you keep saying that?" he asked in response. "Apples and oranges aren't that different, really. I mean, the're both fruit. Their weight is extremely similar. They both contain acidic elements. They're both roughly sperical. They serve the same social purpose. With the possible exception of a tangerine, I can't think of anything more similar to an orange than an apple. If I was having lunch with a man eating an apple and- while I was looking away- he replaced that apple with an orange, I doubt I'd even notice. So how is this a metaphor for difference? I could understand if you said 'That's like comparing apples and uranium,' or 'That's like comparing apples with baby wolverines,' or 'That's like comparing apples with the early work of Raymond Carver,' or 'That's like comparing apples with a hermaphroditic ground sloth.' Those would be valid examples of profound disparity. But not apples and oranges. In every meaningful way, they're virtually identical."

"you're missing the point," she said again, this time for different reasons.

-Chuck Klosterman from "Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs"