Wednesday, November 02, 2005

YAY for Humpday!

This has probably been the slowest week ever! But thankfully it's humpday. Tomorrow is UnderOath concert and the day that HB finally comes back. We chatted online last night and I actually let her read this blog and of course she jumped over to the other one and read the list and is still talking to me so that is a pretty good sign right. Well that one isn't too bad though I do have some shit in my archives of this one that may scare most away, especially the poems and shit I posted but hey it's best to be open and this is usually where I am most open and let everything out. She in return created a blog in which I will not share because 1) I don't know if she'd want me to, 2) I don't know how often she will post on it, 3) it is way too flatering about She found it amusing that Uncle Tom and I were bigots with our derogatory Hot Brownie thing, but it was funny. She is so dulcet, yeah I have to learn new adjetives. We then talked on the phone for a couple hours until I pretty much fell asleep on the phone and during my half sleeping talking and not being able to think well she'd ask me questions and all I could say was cool and stupid shit like that so I said I'd learn some new adjetives today. Hey learning is good right. So tahnks to dictionary and I can learn new words for some reason they are messed up, here is what they say are synonyms for awesome, I'll highlight the ones that make no sense:

Synonyms: alarming, astonishing, awe-inspiring, awful, beautiful, breathtaking, daunting, dreadful, exalted, far out, fearful, fearsome, formidable, frantic, frightening, grand, hairy, horrible, horrifying, imposing, impressive, intimidating, magnificent, majestic, mind-blowing, moving, nervous, overwhelming, shocking, striking, stunning, stupefying, terrible, terrifying, wonderful, wondrous, zero cool

I mean what the hell, those have nothing to do with awesome! I mean if it wasn't for and me looking up what these words actually mean I may have used them thinking that they meant awesome but sounding smart and I would have gotten my ass kicked since she is smarter than me and would know what they actually meant. Damn you thesauraus for trying to get my ass kicked, how dare you?! At least the dictionary didn't try to screw me over.

But counseling sucked yesterday, the new counselor is a dumbass. He wants everyone to talk and shit. The other guy would put in a movie and then talk about it afterwards. This guy talked the entire time and tryed to get us to talk. I raised my hand and told him that this portion of the "treatment" is education and that we come here to learn and by listening to each other we don't learn as much. Group will be the second part of the treatment after this 8 week portion and thats the time for us to "open up". He pretty much said thanks for the imput and kept doing his shit. I will be sure that when I go to the Group part I will go on the days of the other counselor and not his. So I am pretty sure I will not be learning anything my next 3 weeks(I think) of the eduation portion. Happy Humpday, I will be spreading Jesus's love tomorrow at the UnderOath show, I took Friday off so I can start moving some of my shit to my new apartment and hopefully spend some time with HB!