Friday, May 13, 2005

I've been tagged

SO E has tagged me, well ok I volunteered for it, but she does seem to be flirting with me. Just kidding E, unless you are. Ok so here are me questions, unforunately my answers are really boring. I could come up with a good story for each but they wouldn't be truthful. I am going to try to answer all of them. If anyone wants me to ask them questions I can try.

1. What is your biggest fear in life?
Failure. Most of my life people have always assumed that I was going to fail everything. As you can see from my profile, I was always the outsider, even in my family. All my cousins(I am an only child) were going to be the ones to go to college and make something of themselves and I was going to do what I said I would, work in a factory all my life. Well shit happened I ended up in the Navy, they all do drugs and are stuggling to make ends meet. I hold no grudge to them but I laugh at their parents when they ask me how everything is and what all I have done.

2. If you were a fruit or vegetable, what would you be and why?
I'd be a strawberry, the most sexual fruit. It is fun to play with and tastes so damn good.

3. What time in your life (moment or period, anything) were you happiest?
Pretty much my son's entire life but especially the first 6 months of it. I was laid off from work(the reason I joined the Navy) and stayed at home with him all the time. It was great. I love that little guy so much. I used to rollerblade alot, he used to love it when I'd push him in his stoller around town on my rollerblades. Everytime he'd see me get my blades out he'd get this huge smile. But then I went to bootcamp and when I got back he thought I was a stranger and was a little different. I think I posted about that a while back somewhere.

4. You're a hero to many and the world loves you. What did you do that made you a hero and what was the legacy you left?
I am confused about this one. Lots of people say that people in the military are heroes, but I didn't do anything but sign up and I have no legacy except don't fuck with the USA. So I am going to make up a super Hero. Except mine is not your average one. I would be one that hunted down every murderer, rapist, anyone who did any violent crimes and kill them. I hate the fact that these people, if ever caught, spend the rest of their life getting 3 meals a day and a roof over their head. We could eliminate National debt by not keepinf these fuckbags alive for 20+ years or spending thousands of dollars on the actual lethal injection or however they die. ( I am a little worked up this morning, I heardon the radio they finally gave some mass murderer from the 80s his lethal injection last night.)

5. What is your favorite smell in the world and why?
To tell you the truth I'm not sure which ones in particular but I know when some women pass and have on certain perfumes, it makes me stop in my tracks and instant... uh happiness. So sexy.

6. The world is in a weird state and you are only allowed on piece of furniture for the rest of your life, what do you have and why?
Sadly when I get my apt, I will have one piece of furniture, a futon. But in this situation I'd have a King sized pillowtop Bed. I have spent probably 3/4 of my life in bed I just sit there and watch tv, nothing can beat a great comfy bed. I now sleep on a small ass military issued hard bed that my feet hang off, well my feet hang off most beds anyway but still, not comfy.