Thursday, May 05, 2005

Why oh why

So I have been thinking of why did I start blogging. First Canowine started telling me about it in the office, and then I saw him postin his mostly crappy pop music. I made an account so I could comment, since I was the token evil guy I chose my 666 instead of my usual rc930. It laid dormant for a long while, then I figured it'd be a way for me to share my emo/screamo music with people. I quickly found out that no one really liked my music and didn't really care. Then I thought that since I have put some of my writings on, I could post them here and get comments on what people thought of them. That is where people actually started commenting. I surfed through blogs and found a small group that was interesting. Posted some quizes and stuff I found interesting and occasionally my writings which I have kept in a binder since my freshman year of high school. Though some of them are way to messed up to share even on the net and some are just plain stupid. Why do/did I put my full name on my site? Because like I said before when I get bored I search peoples names from home and see if I can find anything, I figured others may do the same and would come across my site, they would see that I am the same as I've always been and probably doing a hell of a lot better than them. In your face bitchassmotherfuckers, teach you to shun me like a redheaded step-child(I mean no offense if you are/were a red headed step-child). People are usually afraid someone will stalk them if they can find them on the net, I will give my address, let anyone who dares come. I may not be big or strong but I will be the one walking away. That's just me though, I use what I can to make sure I walk away whether its a brink or my asp(police expandable baton).

I have also noticed that peoples blogs are like their personality. I don't mean what they write, of course that's their personality. My blog for instance is like me, people come comment stick around a bit then leave and usually don't come back, a new crowd comes in and the same. Peoples like TG's or Canowine's get a large gathering because that is more than likely their personality, being people persons. I just noticed that and found it odd. Like when I was thinking about the Vegas Blogger convention thing TG was talking about. I had to make sure a friend of mine would go with me because I am the outsider. I would know TG but that would be it and she would be socializing with Bran, martini and who ever else who showed up and feel awkward. Though I would hang with Kelbel since she has recently been commenting here also. I'm not complaining for comments, I know who reads thanks to sitecounter. It's not really many, most are searching for Tila Tequila. If you want a bunch of strangers to stumble on your blog say something like"Tila Tequila pics" and you will get hit up alot, some do start to actually read other stuff but not many.