Thursday, May 26, 2005

Let's talk about movies

Sorry I've been busy checking my replacement into the command, so I've been busy running around instead of sitting on my ass in front of the computer like usual. I was recently interview by Arethusa and it got me thinking, one question was about living in a film era. But I saw leaving Las Vegas the other day and it made me notice how much I love the movies without happy endings. The movies with the depressing endings become my favorite because it's more of real life. Life is never like Big Daddy, where at the end everything is wrapped up neat and everything works out, and we all live happily ever after. Let's think of some of my favorites for a minute.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas- A psychedelic trip through Vegas ending not really sure what the hells going on or what just happened. But there are several low and dark scenes where you kind of feel sorry for Raul (Johnny Depp) waking up in a flooded hotel room with a tail and the room just being trashed.

Leaving Las Vegas- You seeing a theme here Vegas is evil, just kidding it's gonna be a blast. But here we've got a hooker and an alcoholic worse than me. She is all sorts of fucked up, he drinks himself to death, It's real life!

Butterfly Effect(director's cut)- I first saw this on DVD and only watched the director's cut, where at the end he goes back to when he's in the womb and kills himself so everyone else can live happily ever after. Then I saw the regular one and didn't like it. He just tells her he never wants to see her again, that sucked.

American History X- You think everything is wrapped up nice and neat, they changed their ways and then BOOM! all comes crumbling down, the part I always wonder is did he go back to being a skinhead because they killed his brother? No one knows.

Requiem for a Dream- I first saw this movie only a couple months ago. I am behind the times on certain movies. As soon as it was over I was like wholly shit I love this movie. Not only does the main character end miserably, everyone does. Him, mom, girlfriend all sorts of fucked up.

I don't know maybe it's just me but though I like to dream of a better life, I don't want to see it happening to people in movies. Women do it a lot, they see guys doing all this romantic stuff and in most cases, not all, it doesn't happen that way.