Thursday, May 12, 2005

New Sailor?

SO in my morning check of my blogstats thanks to I noticed someone came across my blog in search of "USUHS blog". My site was second on the search from google, thanks to my crappy pics of our Wizards encounter. We are supposed to be getting a new sailor in our department from school in Groton. I am her sponsor but wasn't notified til she was on leave back home. The person who came this way was from New York. If this is her, this bothers me for a couple reasons, I don't know if she is cool enough to know I have a site since only 4 people I work with really know about it since I know they won't rat or bitch about things I put on here. She probably now knows I am an lonely alcoholic, thats gotta be exciting for her to know she's gonna come work for/with me. And last, I don't know if she's single or cute. SO HM3 if you return and read this, ignore it until you meet me. A nice scene modified for this type of situation: wait are you on the internet, prank blog, prank blog(hang up)