Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I ain't got much

I have been feeling the blog flu or writers block. Apparently no one wanted to hear 4th25 (pronounced 4th quarter) or they have no idea what to say. I was somewhat speechless but had to share it. Let's see what is up with me. I actually had to do a shitload of work yesterday which sucked ass! CG cancelled on me due to stress from work and having to study and shit which makes tomorrow the last day. Had weird ass dreams again last night. First one was some shit about me and my cousin doing covert ops in a parking garage and things shooting at me. Then the one that woke me up was quite real and strange to be happening now, perhaps a sign for when I go home or my unconscious mind wishing for it. So the part I remember clearest was sleeping in my bed at my parents house, my mom came in and tried to wake me up, I ignored her like I usually do. She wakes me up and I can hear her but I don't move so she doesn't bother me, she seems to do this everytime I am home because she doesn't like me to sleep til noon even though I was out all night. So I ignore her but wake up, she goes back into the living room and I hear her tell someone I am sleeping and ask if they wanted to wait. I am too tired to get up but perk my ears to find out who she is talking to, I hear soulmate say she couldn't wait and had to go. My mom said hold on she'd try again. As soon as I heard the squeak of my door opening, I woke up and jumped out of bed. And in real life, I woke up and jumped out of bed. I looked towards the direction my door is from my bed back home, which is actually a window in my barracks room. Nothing, I was so pissed. I felt so happy and then woke up to disappointment. I haven't really thought of her that much lately thanks to CG's distraction and I would think I would dream of her since she is leaving, but nope. The garage then that, my head really is messed up.